Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Guest Blogger: Tiffany Myers of HUGE LOVE blog

What’s best for the stressed?

Did you know that 90% of cardiologist visits are stress related? We are all making our selves SICK with stress!

When I was struggling with bulimia, any kind of stress would send me over the edge. I didn’t even recognize the connection until much later. But now that I’ve figured it out, I’m able to share my little nugget of wisdom and I pray it helps you too! I wish I could have read this like 12 years ago (seriously)!

So what’s so bad about stress? It causes us to react, which isn’t a bad thing but the HOW is where we get into trouble. HOW we react can put us in the doctor’s office or we can choose the only alternative that has 100% no side effects, 100% organic, 100% free, and is 100% available to everyone! Let’s look at this option.

1 Peter 5:7 Cast all your anxiety on Him (God) because He cares for you.

The biggest struggle I had was that I had NO WHERE to take my stress. So I took it out on myself with binging and purging. The KEY is in the scripture above, we have to think of stress like a HOT POTATO and pass it off to God--QUICKLY! Pray and ask God to take it from you and He will, because He loves us more than we can even imagine.

Here's a little experiment for you to conduct, start looking around and taking notice when people get put under pressure and are stressed. You will hear things like, “I need a drink, I’m going to get high, I just want to get wasted, I need retail therapy, etc.” Those words are desperate pleas for relief, but it’s a FALSE and TEMPORARY sense of relief because they haven’t gotten rid of the stress, they’ve simply covered it with alcohol, drugs or NEW SHOES!

It’s CRITICAL that we get rid of the stress for REAL. We must give all of it over to Jesus, He is he ONLY one who can take it away and restore us. No person can. No boyfriend, friend, husband, not even your mom. We need to learn to go to God first, He must be our first stop when we are stressed, anxious, in pain and hurting. He is truly the only ONE who is certified to do such a miracle as REMOVING the trouble from our heart and replacing it with PEACE.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

When stress goes up, pray for God’s peace to come down!

Pink Fuzzy slippers and a big mug of steaming hot tea,


About Tiffany Myers

My life has taken many turns, as the usual life does. I fell into the snare of anorexia and then bulimia following my parents divorce. God intervened and brought me back from self-destruction. God has blessed me with a life I thought I may never have, a husband who loves God and me, and we have a precious two year-old daughter. My hearts desire is to encourage every girl in my shoes, the new and the old. And I want to share the HUGE LOVE God has shown me.

PS: Come visit me at my blog, I’ll leave the lights on for you.

Youtube: Tiffanycmyers
Facebook: Tiffany Myers
Twitter: Tiffanycmyers

1 comment:

  1. I love this sister! This was great...especially about not looking to others to make us happy...when the happiness needs to bubble up from our hearts...and others ca just add extra happiness!

