Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh how Cliche...

cliche- something that has become overly familiar or commonplace
So why are we called Cliche Cosmetics you ask? Well that's a great question. After I finished makeup school I decided that I NEEDED to create a cosmetics line. I wanted a line that was simple and only offered the essentials, not a bunch of random chaos that confused people even more. Hey there's a million different lines out there and billion different products, it can definately get crazy! So I decided that I needed to find a name for this fabulous line that I would create. If I told you it took me about 6 months to come up with a name, I would not be exaggerating in the least. Eventually I settled on the name Cliche Cosmetics. It has a ring to it don't you think? The name was a cross between two theories. One being that all makeup lines are created for the same general purpose, to make people feel better about themselves. The other focused more on our makeup line itself. We decided to create compacts that helped people to create the looks of season or whatever look they decided to invent themselves. Both of these theories involve things that we have seen before and are familar with. How cliche... but we love it!